Why Home Challenges Are My Go-To for Spotting Developer Talent


Let's be honest, interviewing developers can feel like a guessing game sometimes. We put them on the spot with whiteboard challenges, expecting them to write flawless code under pressure. But here's the thing: that's not how developers actually work, right? Most of the time, they're collaborating, using resources, and iterating on solutions – not coding in isolation under a giant spotlight.

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July 2nd, 2024
2 min read

So, what if we could ditch the whiteboard panic and find a better way to assess developer talent? The home coding challenge is a method that lets developers showcase their skills in a familiar environment. Here's why I think home challenges are a better approach:

They Mirror the Real World (No More Code-Under-Pressure Sweats)

Imagine a developer who's a master at breaking down problems and crafting elegant solutions over time. Now picture them staring at a whiteboard, freaking out because the clock is ticking. Not exactly their best moment, right? Home challenges let developers tackle the problem in a way that feels more natural – with access to resources, time to think, and the ability to refine their code. This way, we get a clearer picture of their actual skills, not just their performance under pressure.

Focus on the Problem-Solving Skills (Not Just Fancy Coding Tricks)

Don't get me wrong, writing clean code is important. But what truly sets great developers apart is their problem-solving approach. Home challenges give them a platform to show off their thought process – how they break down a problem, choose the right tools, and ultimately write maintainable code. By discussing their code during the interview, we can dive deeper into their thought process and see if they can explain their decisions clearly. This two-step approach gives us a much richer understanding of what they bring to the table.

Sure, There Are Some Things to Keep in Mind

Home challenges aren't a magical solution, but with a little planning, they can be super effective. Here are some quick tips:

  • Crystal Clear Instructions: Make sure the problem statement is clear and concise, so everyone's on the same page.
  • Realistic Time Limits: Give them enough time to solve the problem thoughtfully, but not so much that they get overwhelmed.
  • Focus on Quality, Not Speed: We want to see well-structured, maintainable code that follows best practices, not just something that works (kind of).

The Bottom Line: Finding the Right Fit

At the end of the day, we all want to hire developers who can thrive on our team and contribute to awesome projects. By ditching the whiteboard anxiety and embracing home challenges with insightful discussions, we can get a better sense of a candidate's problem-solving skills, communication abilities, and overall coding quality. This leads to better hiring decisions and the creation of rockstar development teams – win-win!

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By Jonatan Juarez